India’s Foreign Policy: A Strong Leader on the Global Stage


A Visionary Leader

India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has emerged as a strong leader who has redefined India’s foreign policy. With his confident presence and ability to work in partnership with different leaders and countries, Modi has put India at the center stage of global affairs.

Building Partnerships

Modi’s foreign policy agenda began in 2014 when he invited neighboring countries, including Mauritius, to his inauguration, a move that showcased his commitment to regional cooperation. He has since fostered warm relationships with leaders from various countries, such as Japan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

India’s partnership with Japan is especially significant in countering China’s expansionist ambitions. The two nations have conducted joint military exercises and have deepened their economic ties. Similarly, India’s relationship with Israel has flourished under Modi’s leadership, with him becoming the first Indian leader to visit the country.
A Well-Traveled Leader

Modi’s commitment to India’s foreign policy is evident in his extensive travels. He has visited 63 countries, including attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. His global engagements have strengthened India’s ties with different nations and have made him a respected and influential leader on the international stage.

New Dimensions in Indo-US Relations

The relationship between India and the United States has undergone a significant transformation under Modi’s leadership. Both countries have become strategic partners, signing foundational agreements that have deepened their military and strategic cooperation. This newfound closeness is driven by their shared concerns about China’s growing influence in the region.

India is now the United States’ largest economic partner, with a significant volume of trade and arms purchases. The intensive dialogue between the two countries reflects their shared commitment to addressing global challenges and promoting peace and stability.

Preserving Key Alliances

While strengthening ties with the United States, Modi has also ensured that India maintains its historic relationship with Russia. Despite tensions between Russia and the West, India has made it clear that its foreign policy will remain independent. This approach has allowed India to preserve its relationship with Russia, a crucial supplier of military equipment.
India’s stance on its relationship with Russia has been met with some criticism, particularly in light of the conflict in Ukraine. However, India has emphasized the importance of maintaining its long-standing ties with Russia while pursuing its own national interests.

Challenges with China

India’s relationship with China has been complex under Modi’s leadership. Initially, there were positive interactions between Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, symbolizing a desire for peaceful coexistence. However, tensions escalated with border disputes and military clashes in Ladakh.

India has responded by strengthening its military infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and taking a firm stance against Chinese aggression. The Ladakh crisis highlighted the need for India to assert its sovereignty and defend its territorial integrity.

Tackling Terrorism

Modi has been resolute in his approach to Pakistan, making it clear that dialogue can only happen if Pakistan puts an end to terrorism. India has responded to acts of terror with swift and proportionate retaliation, including surgical strikes and airstrikes on terror camps.

These actions have sent a clear message that India will not tolerate terrorism and will defend itself against any threats to its citizens. Modi’s strong stance has garnered support both domestically and internationally, solidifying India’s position as a responsible and reliable partner in the fight against terrorism.

Engaging the Indian Diaspora

Modi has successfully engaged with the Indian diaspora, recognizing its significance as a co-constituency for India’s foreign policy. He has reached out to Indians abroad, building strong connections and leveraging their influence to promote India’s interests.
India has learned from Israel’s diaspora management and has effectively tapped into the potential of its diaspora to enhance its global standing. Modi’s ability to connect with Indians overseas has further strengthened India’s image as a friendly and reliable nation.

Global Responsibilities

India’s growing stature on the global stage has presented new opportunities and challenges. As the president of the G20, Modi aims to bring together Western nations, Russia, and China to address the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and promote stability in the region.
India’s diplomatic reach has also extended to humanitarian efforts, such as providing COVID-19 vaccines to other nations in need. These actions demonstrate India’s commitment to being a reliable partner and a responsible global citizen.

A Vision for India’s Future

Modi’s leadership has redefined India’s foreign policy and positioned the nation as a key player on the global stage. His ability to build partnerships, tackle challenges, and engage with the Indian diaspora has propelled India’s international standing.
India’s foreign policy under Modi’s leadership is vibrant, dynamic, and forward-looking. As India continues to navigate complex global issues, Modi’s vision and commitment to India’s interests will shape the nation’s future and its role in the world.

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